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Ragna Dögg Ólafsdóttir

Words and how to use them to make sense of it all.

I love creating. Writing. I read and write every day. Books and words have always been my passion. I couldn´t wait to learn how to read. I would stand beside my dad when I was little and watch him read the newspaper. I remember being so curious about the content and constantly asking him about different headlines. I couldn´t wait to learn how to read so I could read every single word in the entire paper. I remember a burning longing to read everything I could get my hands on. I took matters into my own hands at the age of five and asked my mom to write down different letters for me. I was going to emulate them and teach myself how to write.

When I started school, I was like a sponge. I loved every subject and absorbed information with great joy. I found everything interesting. I wanted to learn it all. Know it all. Understand it all. I have a very inquisitive nature. My favorite gift to receive has always been books. The best Christmas I can remember is was when I was ten years old. I got seven books and I felt so rich. Like I had won the lottery.

For me a book holds an entire universe of knowledge and growth. With every book you have the chance to widen your horizon and experience the world through the minds of others. Through others lived, or made up, experiences. You get to step into someone else’s shoes and travel the world. Words are magic and knowledge is power. They can also be the greatest entertainment. The library was like an amusement park for me. Full of exiting rides and exhilarating experiences. Funny, scary and everything in between.

Words enable me to express my feelings, gather my thoughts, process trauma and organize my day. Make sense of it all. Clear my head and set me free. I write down awful memories that will make you cry and funny once that will make you laugh. Once you write down a memory it can live on forever. Writing gives you a greater understanding of yourself. When you take the words from your brain and write them down, you free up space in your head. It puts things into perspective and creates distance. You don´t have to hold on to these memories anymore or keep track of them all. They are safe. You can visit them anytime you want. Or not. Words are powerful. They can make you both feel and heal. For me words are therapy and when I need, escape from reality. I start each day by writing and every night I fall asleep with a book on my face.

I use them to constantly set new goals. When you write down a goal it becomes clear. It sharpens your vision and increases your chances of reaching that goal. Words also make it possible to visit a day long gone and read in detail about things you would else forget. My children love it when I read about a particularly crazy day from when they were younger or when everything went wrong on our travels. You know, stuff that´s funny in hindsight but almost made you go bonkers while happening. For me words are everything. They will always be there. To the finish line and beyond. Because words last forever. And I plan to leave mine behind.


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